

Back to top IrcDotNet Namespace

IIrcFloodPreventer Defines a mechanism for preventing server floods by limiting the rate of outgoing raw messages from the client.
IIrcMessageReceiver Represents an object that raises an event when a message or notice has been received.
IIrcMessageSource Represents the source of a message or notice sent by an IRC client.
IIrcMessageTarget Represents the target of a message or notice sent by an IRC client.
IrcChannel Represents an IRC channel that exists on a specific IrcClient.
IrcChannelCollection Represents a collection of IrcChannel objects.
IrcChannelEventArgs Provides data for events that concern an IrcChannel.
IrcChannelInfo Stores information about a particular channel on an IRC network.
IrcChannelInvitationEventArgs Provides data for the IrcClient.PingReceived event.
IrcChannelListReceivedEventArgs Provides data for the IrcClient.ChannelListReceived event.
IrcChannelType Defines the types of channels. Each channel may only be of a single type at any one time.
IrcChannelUser Represents an IRC user that exists on a specific channel on a specific IrcClient.
IrcChannelUserCollection Represents a collection of IrcChannelUser objects.
IrcChannelUserEventArgs Provides data for events that concern an IrcChannelUser.
IrcClient Represents a client that communicates with a server using the IRC (Internet Relay Chat) protocol. Do not inherit this class unless the protocol itself is being extended.
IrcCommentEventArgs Provides data for events that specify a name.
IrcErrorEventArgs Provides data for the IrcClient.Error event.
IrcErrorMessageEventArgs Provides data for the IrcClient.ErrorMessageReceived event.
IrcLocalUser Represents the local user of a specific IrcClient. The local user is the user as which the client has connected and registered, and may be either a normal user or service.
IrcMessageEventArgs Provides data for events that are raised when an IRC message or notice is sent or received.
IrcNameEventArgs Provides data for events that specify a comment.
IrcNetworkInfo Stores information about a specific IRC network.
IrcPingOrPongReceivedEventArgs Provides data for the IrcClient.PingReceived and IrcClient.PongReceived events.
IrcPingReceivedEventArgs Provides data for the IrcClient.PingReceived events.
IrcPreviewMessageEventArgs Gives the option to handle the preview event and thus stop the normal event from being raised.
IrcProtocolErrorEventArgs Provides data for the IrcClient.ProtocolError event.
IrcRawMessageEventArgs Provides data for the IrcClient.RawMessageSent and IrcClient.RawMessageReceived events.
IrcRegistrationInfo Provides information used by an IrcClient for registering the connection with the server.
IrcServer Represents an IRC server from the view of a particular client.
IrcServerInfo Stores information about a particular server in an IRC network.
IrcServerInfoEventArgs Provides data for events that specify information about a server.
IrcServerLinksListReceivedEventArgs Provides data for the IrcClient.ServerLinksListReceived event.
IrcServerStatisticalEntry Stores a statistical entry for an IRC server.
IrcServerStatisticalEntryCommonType Defines the types of statistical entries for an IRC server.
IrcServerStatsReceivedEventArgs Provides data for the IrcClient.ServerStatsReceived event.
IrcServerTimeEventArgs Provides data for the IrcClient.ServerTimeReceived event.
IrcServerVersionInfoEventArgs Provides data for the IrcClient.ServerVersionInfoReceived event.
IrcServiceRegistrationInfo Provides information used by an IrcClient for registering the connection as a service.
IrcStandardFloodPreventer Represents a flood protector that throttles data sent by the client according to the standard rules implemented by modern IRC servers.
IrcTargetMask Represents a mask of an IRC server name or host name, used for specifying the targets of a message.
IrcTargetMaskType Defines the types of a target mask.
IrcUser Represents an IRC user that exists on a specific IrcClient.
IrcUserCollection Represents a collection of IrcUser objects.
IrcUserEventArgs Provides data for events that concern an IrcUser.
IrcUserRegistrationInfo Provides information used by an IrcClient for registering the connection as a user.
IrcValidateSslCertificateEventArgs Provides data for the IrcClient.ValidateSslCertificate event.

Back to top IrcDotNet.Collections Namespace

CollectionsUtilities Contains common utilities for functionality relating to collections.
ReadOnlyDictionary<'TKey, 'TValue> Represents a read-only collection of keys and values.
ReadOnlySet<'T> Represents a read-only set of values.

Back to top IrcDotNet.Ctcp Namespace

CtcpClient Represents a client that communicates with a server using CTCP (Client to Client Protocol), operating over an IRC connection. Do not inherit this class unless the protocol itself is being extended.
CtcpErrorMessageReceivedEventArgs Provides data for the CtcpClient.ErrorMessageReceived event.
CtcpMessageEventArgs Provides data for events that are raised when a CTCP message or notice is sent or received.
CtcpPingResponseReceivedEventArgs Provides data for the CtcpClient.PingResponseReceived event.
CtcpRawMessageEventArgs Provides data for the CtcpClient.RawMessageSent and CtcpClient.RawMessageReceived events.
CtcpResponseReceivedEventArgs Provides data for events that indicate a response to a CTCP request.
CtcpTimeResponseReceivedEventArgs Provides data for the CtcpClient.TimeResponseReceived event.
CtcpVersionResponseReceivedEventArgs Provides data for the CtcpClient.VersionResponseReceived event.
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